Stunning CGI of Noah's Flood

The Holy Bible, a book inspired and architected by God, was written by His chosen people, chronicling the beginning of real human history. It provides an account far different from modern scientific interpretations. Rather than suggesting the Earth is millions of years old, the Bible teaches that we were created directly by a loving and merciful God, who formed humanity not from evolution or primordial soup, but in His image.

In this sacred text, we are shown that the Earth was once a perfect paradise, entrusted to mankind to nurture, fill, and multiply upon. The book of Genesis tells us that God completed all of Creation in six literal days, each act carefully executed with divine purpose. And when He looked upon His finished work, He declared it "very good."

On the first four days, the heavens and the Earth were crafted. It was on the fifth day that God breathed life into the seas, filling them with both great and small creatures, and He populated the skies with exotic birds that soared through the open firmament. Then, on the sixth day, He brought forth the majestic land creatures, including the dinosaurs, and finally, He created mankind to dwell in this glorious world. In the midst of the garden He planted, stood the Tree of Life—a symbol of eternal union with God.

But there was another tree—the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God gave mankind a command: they must not eat from this tree. Tragically, through the gift of free will, mankind chose to disobey, plunging themselves and all of Creation into sin and death. What was once a beautiful, perfect world fell into corruption, the consequences of rebellion against a holy and just God.

As sin spread, the darkness deepened. Mankind's choice not only affected their souls but the entire domain given to them by God. The story of the Bible is one of redemption, as even in this fall, the Creator sought to restore what had been lost.
Stunning CGI of Noah's Flood The Holy Bible, a book inspired and architected by God, was written by His chosen people, chronicling the beginning of real human history. It provides an account far different from modern scientific interpretations. Rather than suggesting the Earth is millions of years old, the Bible teaches that we were created directly by a loving and merciful God, who formed humanity not from evolution or primordial soup, but in His image. In this sacred text, we are shown that the Earth was once a perfect paradise, entrusted to mankind to nurture, fill, and multiply upon. The book of Genesis tells us that God completed all of Creation in six literal days, each act carefully executed with divine purpose. And when He looked upon His finished work, He declared it "very good." On the first four days, the heavens and the Earth were crafted. It was on the fifth day that God breathed life into the seas, filling them with both great and small creatures, and He populated the skies with exotic birds that soared through the open firmament. Then, on the sixth day, He brought forth the majestic land creatures, including the dinosaurs, and finally, He created mankind to dwell in this glorious world. In the midst of the garden He planted, stood the Tree of Life—a symbol of eternal union with God. But there was another tree—the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God gave mankind a command: they must not eat from this tree. Tragically, through the gift of free will, mankind chose to disobey, plunging themselves and all of Creation into sin and death. What was once a beautiful, perfect world fell into corruption, the consequences of rebellion against a holy and just God. As sin spread, the darkness deepened. Mankind's choice not only affected their souls but the entire domain given to them by God. The story of the Bible is one of redemption, as even in this fall, the Creator sought to restore what had been lost.
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