Discussing the Brutal Truth; that we live in a Simulation. And the various forces and factions fighting for control of it and fighting for what goes on inside of it. All while the general public is blissfully unaware.
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  • Here is an example of COMMUNISIM.

    Here is an example of COMMUNISIM. https://youtube.com/shorts/l0EuQFLVNfo?si=go4h1cpIB0GDtZHy
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    Tim Walz appeared to make a quick escape Saturday when asked about the discovery of six slain hostages in the Gaza Strip.

    The Minnesota governor was posed the question at his home state's state fair in St. Paul, hours after the bodies were found in an underground tunnel in the Rafah area of the city.

    Tim Walz PANICS THEN RUNS AWAY After Getting CONFRONTED At State Fair With THIS QUESTION! Tim Walz appeared to make a quick escape Saturday when asked about the discovery of six slain hostages in the Gaza Strip. The Minnesota governor was posed the question at his home state's state fair in St. Paul, hours after the bodies were found in an underground tunnel in the Rafah area of the city. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS-HADWSWQM
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  • Donald Trump releases 'brutal' ad of Kamala Harris 'debating herself'

    Social media users are reacting to a new Trump campaign ad that features Kamala Harris "debating" herself, using her past comments on the economy under her and Biden's leadership.

    Donald Trump releases 'brutal' ad of Kamala Harris 'debating herself' Social media users are reacting to a new Trump campaign ad that features Kamala Harris "debating" herself, using her past comments on the economy under her and Biden's leadership. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFdsAASixD0
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  • Power Cut Indefinitely as Landslides Worsen!

    @valleyparks1342 -- I went to school at Marymount. They could not keep lines on the street straight on the coast the bus would just drive straight on crumbly lines 1960s people woke up to their house is being broken in half it's been crumbling for years this is nothing new.

    Power Cut Indefinitely as Landslides Worsen! @valleyparks1342 -- I went to school at Marymount. They could not keep lines on the street straight on the coast the bus would just drive straight on crumbly lines 1960s people woke up to their house is being broken in half it's been crumbling for years this is nothing new. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaxCvfqp55A
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    She stepped off her private jet, the polished fuselage gleaming behind her as she made her way to the podium. With a carefully curated air of importance, she began her speech, reminding everyone just how irresponsible they were for relying on gas-powered cars to feed their families. The irony was lost on her, as the roar of the jet engines cooling down echoed in the background, and her words, wrapped in privilege, fell heavily upon those struggling to make ends meet.

    OH SHE'S MAD....GET 'EM GRETA! She stepped off her private jet, the polished fuselage gleaming behind her as she made her way to the podium. With a carefully curated air of importance, she began her speech, reminding everyone just how irresponsible they were for relying on gas-powered cars to feed their families. The irony was lost on her, as the roar of the jet engines cooling down echoed in the background, and her words, wrapped in privilege, fell heavily upon those struggling to make ends meet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzqLEo-SHX0
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  • 馃毃We Caught Amazon Red-Handed RIGGING The 2024 Election AGAINST Trump | This Is INSANE…

    We all knew big tech was biased against Donald Trump but this is BAD. Will Amazon respond?

    馃毃We Caught Amazon Red-Handed RIGGING The 2024 Election AGAINST Trump | This Is INSANE… We all knew big tech was biased against Donald Trump but this is BAD. Will Amazon respond? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbmJU5qw1Ug
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    Ladies and gentlemen the latest article from *Politico* states: "Trump loses longshot bid to challenge hush money conviction in federal court." You might be wondering, why is this a good thing? Well, hit that subscribe button, and let's dive into it.

    If you scroll all the way down, you'll find the key details: the maximum sentence for falsifying business records is four years in prison. This started as a misdemeanor but was elevated to a felony. The issue here is that the felony charge hinges on a federal crime that neither the FEC nor the Department of Justice pursued against Trump. In fact, both entities dropped the case, but the State of New York unilaterally decided that Trump committed a federal crime in order to justify upgrading the charge.

    This is unconstitutional and will likely be overturned. It's already essentially been undermined by the Supreme Court's ruling on immunity. A federal judge even acknowledged that determining whether speaking to an attorney constitutes an official act is not within their jurisdiction, and New York cannot define what qualifies as a federal crime.

    The key takeaway? This case is heading to the Supreme Court, where it's expected to be resolved. Stay tuned!

    Supreme Court Will ACCEPT FUTURE PRESIDENT TRUMP APPEAL AND OVERTURN CONVICTION by State Court Ladies and gentlemen the latest article from *Politico* states: "Trump loses longshot bid to challenge hush money conviction in federal court." You might be wondering, why is this a good thing? Well, hit that subscribe button, and let's dive into it. If you scroll all the way down, you'll find the key details: the maximum sentence for falsifying business records is four years in prison. This started as a misdemeanor but was elevated to a felony. The issue here is that the felony charge hinges on a federal crime that neither the FEC nor the Department of Justice pursued against Trump. In fact, both entities dropped the case, but the State of New York unilaterally decided that Trump committed a federal crime in order to justify upgrading the charge. This is unconstitutional and will likely be overturned. It's already essentially been undermined by the Supreme Court's ruling on immunity. A federal judge even acknowledged that determining whether speaking to an attorney constitutes an official act is not within their jurisdiction, and New York cannot define what qualifies as a federal crime. The key takeaway? This case is heading to the Supreme Court, where it's expected to be resolved. Stay tuned! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkDfAENyInk
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  • RFK's Voice Disorder | Before and After

    Robert Kennedy Jr also known as RFK Jr or Bobbie Jr has an official medical diagnosis of Spasmodic Dysphonia. In previous videos, I have discussed the diagnosis and treatment options from a medical and clinical perspective. Last week, I posted a video discussing RFK's rare treatment in Japan where he reportedly made a somewhat miraculous improvement.

    RFK's Voice Disorder | Before and After Robert Kennedy Jr also known as RFK Jr or Bobbie Jr has an official medical diagnosis of Spasmodic Dysphonia. In previous videos, I have discussed the diagnosis and treatment options from a medical and clinical perspective. Last week, I posted a video discussing RFK's rare treatment in Japan where he reportedly made a somewhat miraculous improvement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyDvyl_iIiY
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  • Stunning CGI of Noah's Flood

    The Holy Bible, a book inspired and architected by God, was written by His chosen people, chronicling the beginning of real human history. It provides an account far different from modern scientific interpretations. Rather than suggesting the Earth is millions of years old, the Bible teaches that we were created directly by a loving and merciful God, who formed humanity not from evolution or primordial soup, but in His image.

    In this sacred text, we are shown that the Earth was once a perfect paradise, entrusted to mankind to nurture, fill, and multiply upon. The book of Genesis tells us that God completed all of Creation in six literal days, each act carefully executed with divine purpose. And when He looked upon His finished work, He declared it "very good."

    On the first four days, the heavens and the Earth were crafted. It was on the fifth day that God breathed life into the seas, filling them with both great and small creatures, and He populated the skies with exotic birds that soared through the open firmament. Then, on the sixth day, He brought forth the majestic land creatures, including the dinosaurs, and finally, He created mankind to dwell in this glorious world. In the midst of the garden He planted, stood the Tree of Life—a symbol of eternal union with God.

    But there was another tree—the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God gave mankind a command: they must not eat from this tree. Tragically, through the gift of free will, mankind chose to disobey, plunging themselves and all of Creation into sin and death. What was once a beautiful, perfect world fell into corruption, the consequences of rebellion against a holy and just God.

    As sin spread, the darkness deepened. Mankind's choice not only affected their souls but the entire domain given to them by God. The story of the Bible is one of redemption, as even in this fall, the Creator sought to restore what had been lost.

    Stunning CGI of Noah's Flood The Holy Bible, a book inspired and architected by God, was written by His chosen people, chronicling the beginning of real human history. It provides an account far different from modern scientific interpretations. Rather than suggesting the Earth is millions of years old, the Bible teaches that we were created directly by a loving and merciful God, who formed humanity not from evolution or primordial soup, but in His image. In this sacred text, we are shown that the Earth was once a perfect paradise, entrusted to mankind to nurture, fill, and multiply upon. The book of Genesis tells us that God completed all of Creation in six literal days, each act carefully executed with divine purpose. And when He looked upon His finished work, He declared it "very good." On the first four days, the heavens and the Earth were crafted. It was on the fifth day that God breathed life into the seas, filling them with both great and small creatures, and He populated the skies with exotic birds that soared through the open firmament. Then, on the sixth day, He brought forth the majestic land creatures, including the dinosaurs, and finally, He created mankind to dwell in this glorious world. In the midst of the garden He planted, stood the Tree of Life—a symbol of eternal union with God. But there was another tree—the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God gave mankind a command: they must not eat from this tree. Tragically, through the gift of free will, mankind chose to disobey, plunging themselves and all of Creation into sin and death. What was once a beautiful, perfect world fell into corruption, the consequences of rebellion against a holy and just God. As sin spread, the darkness deepened. Mankind's choice not only affected their souls but the entire domain given to them by God. The story of the Bible is one of redemption, as even in this fall, the Creator sought to restore what had been lost. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxmiRrJ8ZPc
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  • 馃毃BREAKING馃毃:
    Venezuelan Gangs Seize US Cities!
    Residents Arm Up!
    See the Shocking Footage Now!

    In a shocking exposé that's sending shockwaves across the nation, Gary Franchi of Next News Network's RAW FEED brings you the unvarnished truth about the migrant crisis tearing apart America's cities. From Aurora, Colorado to the heart of New York City, Venezuelan gangs are turning apartment complexes into fortresses of fear, and local authorities seem powerless – or unwilling – to stop it.

    Franchi doesn't just report the news; he takes you into the eye of the storm. Hear the terrified voices of mothers too scared to take their children to the park. Witness the chilling warning from a Chicago resident to Venezuelan gangs, promising a level of violence that makes Colorado look tame in comparison.

    But it gets worse. RAW FEED exposes the dirty secret of sanctuary cities, where police officers admit on camera to releasing double homicide suspects back onto the streets. It's a policy of madness that's turning our urban centers into war zones, and Franchi has the footage to prove it.

    The invasion isn't just in our neighborhoods – it's targeting our children. Franchi reveals the horrifying moment when 20 migrants attempted to board a school bus full of kids in San Diego. It's a parent's worst nightmare, and it's happening right here in America.

    As if that weren't enough, RAW FEED uncovers the staggering statistics in New York City, where migrants now make up 75% of arrests in Midtown Manhattan. It's a crisis of epic proportions, and Franchi asks the questions no one else dares to: Is this the end of urban America as we know it?

    But Franchi doesn't stop at exposing the problem. He delves into the root causes, pointing fingers at the policies of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden that have left our borders wide open and our cities vulnerable. It's a scathing indictment of an administration that seems more concerned with appeasing foreign nationals than protecting American citizens.

    This isn't just another news story – it's a wake-up call. Franchi connects the dots between open borders, sanctuary city policies, and the rapid deterioration of America's urban landscape. He warns that what's happening in Aurora and Chicago today could be coming to your city tomorrow.

    From gasoline black markets run out of apartments to gang graffiti marking territory in American neighborhoods, RAW FEED brings you the stories the mainstream media is too afraid to touch. Franchi doesn't just read the news; he analyzes it, breaking down the implications for every American citizen.

    This RAW FEED segment is more than just reporting – it's a call to action. As our cities descend into chaos, Franchi demands accountability from our leaders and asks the crucial question: How much worse does it have to get before we secure our borders?

    馃毃BREAKING馃毃: Venezuelan Gangs Seize US Cities! Residents Arm Up! See the Shocking Footage Now! In a shocking exposé that's sending shockwaves across the nation, Gary Franchi of Next News Network's RAW FEED brings you the unvarnished truth about the migrant crisis tearing apart America's cities. From Aurora, Colorado to the heart of New York City, Venezuelan gangs are turning apartment complexes into fortresses of fear, and local authorities seem powerless – or unwilling – to stop it. Franchi doesn't just report the news; he takes you into the eye of the storm. Hear the terrified voices of mothers too scared to take their children to the park. Witness the chilling warning from a Chicago resident to Venezuelan gangs, promising a level of violence that makes Colorado look tame in comparison. But it gets worse. RAW FEED exposes the dirty secret of sanctuary cities, where police officers admit on camera to releasing double homicide suspects back onto the streets. It's a policy of madness that's turning our urban centers into war zones, and Franchi has the footage to prove it. The invasion isn't just in our neighborhoods – it's targeting our children. Franchi reveals the horrifying moment when 20 migrants attempted to board a school bus full of kids in San Diego. It's a parent's worst nightmare, and it's happening right here in America. As if that weren't enough, RAW FEED uncovers the staggering statistics in New York City, where migrants now make up 75% of arrests in Midtown Manhattan. It's a crisis of epic proportions, and Franchi asks the questions no one else dares to: Is this the end of urban America as we know it? But Franchi doesn't stop at exposing the problem. He delves into the root causes, pointing fingers at the policies of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden that have left our borders wide open and our cities vulnerable. It's a scathing indictment of an administration that seems more concerned with appeasing foreign nationals than protecting American citizens. This isn't just another news story – it's a wake-up call. Franchi connects the dots between open borders, sanctuary city policies, and the rapid deterioration of America's urban landscape. He warns that what's happening in Aurora and Chicago today could be coming to your city tomorrow. From gasoline black markets run out of apartments to gang graffiti marking territory in American neighborhoods, RAW FEED brings you the stories the mainstream media is too afraid to touch. Franchi doesn't just read the news; he analyzes it, breaking down the implications for every American citizen. This RAW FEED segment is more than just reporting – it's a call to action. As our cities descend into chaos, Franchi demands accountability from our leaders and asks the crucial question: How much worse does it have to get before we secure our borders? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdD8HOxPSGk
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