Germinating marijuana seeds is a crucial step in the cultivation process that requires precision and proper technique. First, start by gathering the necessary materials, including clean water, paper towels, a plate, and the marijuana seeds of your choice. Begin by moistening the paper towels with water, ensuring they are damp but not soaked. Place the seeds on one half of the damp paper towel and fold the other half over to cover them completely. Next, transfer the folded paper towel onto a plate and cover it with an inverted plate or another tray to create a dark and warm environment. It is important to maintain a consistent temperature of around 70-90 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal germination. Check the paper towel regularly to ensure it remains moist but not waterlogged. After a few days, you should start to see the seeds sprouting. Once the seeds have developed a taproot, they are ready to be planted in a suitable growing medium. By following these steps with care and attention, you can successfully germinate your marijuana seeds and embark on a rewarding cultivation journey.