Boost Your Instagram Likes With These Easy Technology Hacks

As an avid Instagram user, you know that gaining more likes and followers on the platform is an ongoing goal. While high-quality photos and an engaging feed are essential, technology and tools can provide an extra boost to your likes and visibility. By implementing a few simple hacks, you'll gain more attention and raise your profile to the next level. Whether you're looking to gain likes for your personal account or want to increase engagement for your business, these easy tips will set you up for success. With consistency and the right techniques, you'll build real connections, gain new followers, and watch your likes skyrocket. The secret to Instagram fame and fortune is at your fingertips - read on to discover how to make the most of it.

Use Popular Hashtags to Increase Visibility

To increase visibility and engagement on Instagram, using popular hashtags is key. Hashtags are a way for users to discover new content by topic, place or event. By using relevant hashtags, you make your photo or video more discoverable to people searching for or following those hashtags.

Conduct research to find popular hashtags in your industry or niche. Some tips:

  1. Search for keywords related to your brand or products on Instagram to see what hashtags autocomplete suggests or what popular hashtags show up.
  2. Check which hashtags your competitors and influencers in your space are using. See which ones generate the most likes and engagement.
  3. Use a hashtag research tool like RiteTag, Hashtagify or Tagevolve to discover the most popular hashtags. Aim for a good mix of large, mid-size and smaller hashtags.
  4. Keep track of trending hashtags around events, holidays or news items related to your brand. Jump on these opportunities to increase visibility.

For the best results, choose a mix of hashtags in different sizes:

  • Mega hashtags (500K+ posts): High visibility but hard to rank for. Use sparingly.
  • Macro hashtags (50K-500K posts): Large enough to generate good visibility but easier to rank for. Aim for a few of these.
  • Micro hashtags (10K-50K posts): Can still increase visibility and are ideal for ranking. Use several of these.
  • Nano hashtags (less than 10K posts): Easy to rank for but limited visibility. Use a few to balance out larger hashtags.

Using a variety of hashtag sizes will make it more likely your content is discovered by new audiences. Be sure to track which hashtags drive the most engagement and adjust your strategy accordingly. With regular use of relevant hashtags, you'll boost your Instagram likes and gain new followers in no time.

Post at the Optimal Times for Maximum Engagement

To maximize engagement and increase likes on your Instagram posts, it is essential to publish at the optimal times when most of your followers are active on the platform.

Weekday Evenings Between 5PM to 8PM

The majority of Instagram users log in and browse the app in the evenings after work or school. Posting during the 5PM to 8PM window, especially on weekdays, allows your content to be seen by the largest portion of your followers as they wind down from their day.

Post on Weekends for Maximum Exposure

Weekends represent the highest Instagram traffic and engagement. People have more leisure time to scroll through the app and like posts. Publish on Saturday or Sunday, ideally in the middle of the day around 12PM, to gain the most exposure and increase your chances of scoring extra likes.

Check Your Instagram Insights for Your Followers' Activity Patterns

The optimal times to post are relative to your specific followers and audience. Examine your Instagram Insights to determine when your followers are most active on the platform and engaging with your posts. The days and hours they frequent Instagram the most are the ideal times for you to share new content to maximize visibility and likes.

Use a Social Media Management Tool to Schedule Posts in Advance

A social media management tool, like Hootsuite or Buffer, allows you to prepare and schedule Instagram posts in advance to publish automatically at the optimal times. This ensures your content goes live when the most followers will see and engage with it without you needing to manually post at those specific times. Scheduling Instagram posts ahead of time is an easy way to boost your likes and save time.

With the right publishing schedule tailored to your audience, your Instagram posts will receive more likes and engagement. Analyze your Insights, determine the best times to post, and use a social media tool to schedule content in advance for the greatest impact.

Engage With Your Followers and Like Their Posts

To boost your engagement and increase your Instagram likes, make an effort to interact with your followers by liking and commenting on their posts. Take some time each day to scroll through your feed and like posts from the accounts you follow.

Double tap any photos you genuinely enjoy to show your followers you appreciate them. Liking their content makes them more likely to like and engage with your posts in return. Don't just like posts, also leave a quick comment. Say something specific you enjoyed about the photo like “Great shot!” or ask an open-ended question like “How did you edit this?” to start a conversation.

Your followers will appreciate your kind words and be more inclined to comment on and like your posts. Be sure to reply to any comments on your own posts. Thank people for their kind words and engage with any questions. Responding to comments shows your followers you value them and makes them more likely to continue engaging with your account.

Another way to increase engagement is by tagging other accounts in your posts. When you post a photo, tag any brands, locations or other accounts featured. Many will then like and comment on your post, and some may even repost your content or tag you back in their posts. This cross-promotion exposes you to new potential followers who may then engage with your account.

Contests and giveaways are an excellent way to increase engagement and gain new followers. Offer a prize from you or a sponsoring brand and require entrants to like, comment and tag friends to enter. This surge in activity will boost your visibility in the Instagram algorithm and the prize incentive will gain you many new followers. Be sure to announce the winners and tag them in a post to keep people engaged even after the contest ends.

Following these best practices for engaging with your followers will lead to increased likes, comments and general interest in your account. An engaged audience is key to success on Instagram, so make interacting with your followers a priority. Consistently liking and commenting on their posts, responding to all comments on your posts, tagging other accounts and hosting contests are all simple but effective ways to boost your Instagram engagement and gain more likes.

Use Instagram Stories and Live Video

To boost your Instagram likes, take advantage of Instagram Stories and Live video. These features allow you to give followers a behind-the-scenes look at your brand or business in an authentic way. Instagram Stories are short videos and photos that disappear after 24 hours. Stories allow you to share quick video clips, photos, and short posts with your followers without them staying permanently on your profile grid. Use Stories to give followers a glimpse into your day, share something funny or interesting, promote an upcoming product launch or event, or tease new content. Stories keep followers engaged with your brand on a daily basis.

Live video on Instagram, called IGTV, allows you to broadcast video live to your followers. Go live to connect directly with your followers in real time. You can answer their questions, share announcements, highlight a new product, or demonstrate how to use your goods or services. IGTV live streams disappear once the broadcast ends, so followers feel like they're getting access to exclusive content.

Some tips for using Stories and Live video:

  • Post on a consistent schedule so followers know when to expect new content. For example, share a Story daily or go live once a week on the same day at the same time.
  • Keep videos short, around 15 seconds to 2 minutes. Followers have short attention spans, so get to the point quickly.
  • Be authentic and casual. Followers want to see the real you or get a behind-the-scenes look at your brand.
  • Engage with viewers by asking for their input or questions and responding in real time. Mention viewers by name to make a personal connection.
  • Promote your Stories and Live videos on your Instagram profile to increase views and likes. Let followers know in advance when you plan to go live so they can tune in.
  • Save your Live videos to IGTV for 24 hours after the broadcast ends so followers can view them again and new followers can discover them.
  • Use hashtags, locations, and mentions in your Stories and Live video descriptions to make them discoverable by more people.

Taking the time to engage with your followers through Instagram Stories and Live video is a simple way to boost likes and gain new followers. Follow these best practices to keep your followers coming back for your authentic, behind-the-scenes content.


As you can see, there are many simple ways to increase your Instagram likes using technology tools and best practices. Whether you focus on improving your photo quality, using relevant hashtags, posting at optimal times, engaging with your followers, or running a contest, putting in the effort to boost your likes will pay off. Don't get discouraged if you don't see an immediate spike in likes. Building an engaged following takes time and consistency. If you implement even a few of these tips, stay active in the community, and keep improving your content over time, you'll gain more likes and become an Instagram influencer in your own right. The key is simply to start optimizing your profile today. With the right technology and strategy, you'll be well on your way to Instagram success.