A live singer-guitarist is a musician who performs songs by singing and playing the guitar simultaneously during a live performance. This combination of skills allows for a dynamic and engaging musical performance, as the singer-guitarist can provide both vocal melodies and instrumental accompaniment. Live singer-guitarists can perform a wide range of music genres, from acoustic folk and rock to pop and blues.

Some singer-guitarists are solo artists who rely solely on their voice and guitar to entertain the audience, while others may be part of a larger band or ensemble. In either case, the singer-guitarist plays a crucial role in the overall sound and performance of the music.

Live singer guitarist often use a variety of guitar techniques, such as fingerpicking, strumming, and soloing, to create a diverse and captivating musical experience for their audience. They may also use effects pedals and amplifiers to enhance their guitar's sound and add different textures to their performance.

Singer-guitarists can be found performing in various settings, including coffee shops, bars, restaurants, music festivals, and concert venues. They are known for their ability to connect with the audience on a personal level through their intimate and heartfelt performances.